
编辑:PxtoNewsED 2024/04/02 11:24

【温州新东方培训学校】--       咨询,新东方开设雅思培训,托福培训,GRE培训,GMAT培训,SAT培训,SSAT培训,小托福培训等出国语言培训课程。更多优惠活动请在线咨询或电话咨询值班老师!!




口袋妖怪 Pokémon Go


  Pokémon Go,一个由Nintendo (任天堂)、The Pokémon Company (口袋妖怪公司)和谷歌Niantic Labs公司联合制作开发的现实增强(AR)宠物养成对战类手游,在正式发布后。只要有一台智能手机,玩家就可以在现实里发现并抓捕虚拟精灵,还可以进行战斗。作为精灵训练师,玩家想要抓更多的精灵,变得更强大。


1. Pokémon Go 与Nintendo (任天堂) 的传统游戏有什么区别?

2. Pokémon Go是怎么与现实相结合的?


Pokémon Go, Explained in Fewer Than Words


If you've been on the internet — or, um, outside — lately, you may have noticed that a game called Pokémon Go is suddenly taking the world by storm. It may have you wondering, especially if you were born before , just what the hell is going on.


Pokémon is a Nintendo franchise that launched in the s. In its world, "trainers" travel the world to catch variousmonsters called Pokémon — rats, dragons, swordlike creatures, and more — and use these critters to fight each other. The trainer's goal is to "catch 'em all," as the franchise's slogan suggests, and become a Pokémon master by defeating prestigious trainers known as gym leaders and Elite Four.


So what is Pokémon Go? Unlike previous Pokémon games, it's not for Nintendo's handheld consoles; it's a free download for Android and iOS devices. It also doesn't play at all like previous Pokémon games: Although the goal is still to catch 'em all, Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game — it mixes real-world elements with the game.


The big thing is Pokémon Go uses your phone's GPS and clock to decide which Pokémon appear in the game. If you're at the park, more bug and grass types appear. If you're by a lake, more water types appear. If it's night, more nocturnal ghost and fairy types do. So Pokémon won't just come to you; players have to traverse the real world to catch 'em all.

(source: vox.com) 


Pokémon: pocket monster 口袋妖怪

take...by storm: 风卷;席卷

franchise /’fræntʃaiz/: n. 特许经销产品

launch /lɔːntʃ/: vi. 推出

various /'veərɪəs/: adj. 各种各样的

critter /'krɪtə/: n. 生物 [美国英语]

slogan /‘sləʊg(ə)n/: n. 口号

defeat /dɪ'fiːt/ : vt. 打败

prestigious /pre'stɪdʒəs/: adj. 有声望的

previous /'priːvɪəs/: adj. 以前的

console /ˈkɒnsəʊl/:  n. 游戏机

augmented reality: 增强的现实

nocturnal /nɒkˈtɜːnəl/: adj. 夜行的

traverse /trəˈvɜ:s/: vt. 来回穿行

【温州新东方培训学校】--       咨询,新东方开设雅思培训,托福培训,GRE培训,GMAT培训,SAT培训,SSAT培训,小托福培训等出国语言培训课程。更多优惠活动请在线咨询或电话咨询值班老师!!

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